Sunday, November 20, 2005


There are many things that I'm recapturing as my weight goes down. I thought I'd start keeping a running list so I don't forget where I've come from. These are issues that have either gone away or have been resolved since June 05:
  • I am off my high blood pressure medication and my BP stays about 110/70
  • I can move through most normal activities now without injuring myself--I'm having to be careful not to do too much too soon--it's so tempting to feel limitless with newfound freedom, which is dangerous
  • Most joint pain is gone, except for the longest-standing conditions (lower back, hips), but I'm hoping that strength training will relieve some/all of this--and of course, I'm praying for total healing..."you have not because you ask not"
  • My daughter can sit on my lap for the first time since she began to walk
  • I can cross my legs again-it's been over 20 years
  • I no longer snore-this was a source of a lot of emotional pain when travelling with others
  • I can wear makeup again-before my skin was so oily and there was so much fat above my eyes that I didn't even touch mascara, lest I look like a raccoon in no time
  • I can wear high heels again-instead of the standard tennis shoe
  • Which brings me to being able to dress nice again, rather than wearing "tent" clothing
  • I can tie my shoes on top by bending my knee up, rather than laying my leg to the side on the bed and tying to the side
  • I can stand up to put on my pants--before I had to sit down so I wouldn't fall
  • I no longer have urinary stress incontinence
  • I can shave my legs sitting in the tub-instead of sitting on the side or standing up (not since I was a teen)
  • I can wear jeans
  • I can tuck a shirt
  • My rings are all too big
  • I can wear a favorite watch (any watch for that matter) that was a gift from my husband (and it's getting too big)-I had packed it away long ago
  • Intimacy with my husband is a LOT better, physically and relationally
  • I can wear panty hose without starting a 4-alarm fire between my thighs when walking LOL
  • Taking a shower is a lot more pleasant experience because I don't injure my rotator cuffs anymore
  • I can go for walks and ride my bike
  • I can bound up/down stairs without holding onto the rail and putting both feet on the same step before I risk another
  • I now eat like the normal thin people around me. I actually get full and leave food on my plate and lose my craving for the food--this in itself is mindboggling to a girl who could pile a plate full twice and still eat dessert
  • I'm a cheap date for the 1st time in my life
  • The chronic bitchery that encapsulated my demeanor is becoming a thing of the past
  • I'm sure there is more to come


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