Monday, November 21, 2005


It is so easy to get caught in traps of cyclical worry (which is another major component of being super-morbidly obese--along with most other emotionally driven self-destructive habits). I am watching, praying right now, as someone I love is grasping at straws in futility over a situation that is a test. He would have me pray for a specific outcome from the Lord and I would pray for breakthrough to trust. It pains me to watch, only because I know that cycle too well. It is way too familiar. And as someone recently reitterated to me, if you don't pass the test, it will come round again. Also, going from "glory to glory" has a price--as soon as you pass one test, the enemy throws a bigger challenge at you. The Biblical word for trial and test is the same thing in the original language. So what the enemy throws, the Lord often allows. Job's story is proof. And the cool thing is, things are never as awful as we anticipate, because of Jesus. In him things usually turn out better than we could've asked or imagined in our limited, finite perspective of what WE think needs to happen to resolve our current crisis. I say "usually," but in retrospect, I realize that things only turn out less than perfect when I don't surrender. God is eternally faithful, and even if suffering comes in the test, the outcome is always divine, wonderful, and blessed beyond the bandaid solutions we would want. Oh, that we would learn our lessons well and enjoy the spoils that the Lord provides as he wins the battle for our souls. Lord give me grace when the suffering comes not to complain. The battle belongs to you, Lord.


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