Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Talking my dear friend last night spurred the thought that it is a blessing to be able to keep your joy and your sense of humor in the midst of crisis and craziness. I mean, this past two weeks have been hellish for both of us as we are going through some similar things. It is the sustaining power of the Lord that we are both still standing after such craziness that the enemy has put in our circumstances and our heads. Also, the blessing to have someone to share with, when it feels like your world is coming unglued is...in the very least, something to cherish, always. God I thank you again, for putting relationships in place that provide much-needed support and understanding. A place to confess and not be judged, to reflect and process, to gain a different perspective. In reality, you have blessed me with a "quiver-full" of dear friends who aren't afraid of honesty and growth. What an uncommon thing, in a world of denial and avoidance and self-medication! Most people don't want to know anything about themselves that would make them feel the least bit uncomfortable, and yet God, you have blessed me with such phenomenal friends, that they are unafraid to experience your surgical knife, that would remove the things that are causing problems. What a testament to you, Lord, that we continue to be in agreement with your will. Your will is so frightening sometimes. And yet, we are compelled by your spirit in us, to agree with you again and again. Slaves to righteousness.

Lord, I thank you once again, that you are for us, and not against us. Thank you that you stick to us like the glue that you are, holding our lives in the palm of your hand, never forsaking us. Thank you that you are gentle and for your indwelling spirit, which provides ever-present help in times of trouble. Thank you Lord, that you have put it in us, to hunger and thirst after righteousness by the power of your spirit, because if you didn't put that desire in us, surely we would be useless, miserable, and up to wickedness, all the time. Thank you Lord, that you have put hope inside us, that when we are pressed from all sides, we are comforted by knowing that you can replace ashes with beauty. Thank you, Lord.


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